Tonk, Sunehri Kothi, Säule / Foto - Tonk, Sunehri Kothi, Column / Photo -

5IN-T23-F1-1987-18 (1516590) Tonk, Sunehri Kothi, Säule / Foto Tonk (Rajasthan, Nordwest-Indien), Sunehri Kothi (Goldenes Haus; erbaut unter dem Nawab Mohammed Ibrahim Ali Khan; reg. 1867-1930; Wandverkleidung mit Spiegeln, farbigem Glaseinlegearbeiten und Gold). / - Innenansicht: Säule. - / Foto, Oktober 1987. E: Tonk, Sunehri Kothi, Column / Photo Tonk (Rajasthan, Northwest India), Sunehri Kothi (Golden Mansion; built under the Nawab Mohammed Ibrahim Ali Khan; reigned 1867-1930; walls decorated with mirrors, coloured inlaid glass and gold). - Interior view: column. - Photo, October 1987.